Company : Right Brain
Current Profession : Specialized Brain trainer for kids
Educational Qualification : Science Graduate
- How did you plan to get into the field you are in now?
Actually it was by chance. One of our friends is a Neurosurgeon, he was the one who explained me the concept of Left and Right brain and how powerful is the Right Brain which if developed at a young age can do wonders. He also suggested that since I was very good with kids I should take this training and become a trainer.
- Any extracurricular activities which helped you mould your personality?
Well yes. I was always an extrovert with lot of interest in sports, literary activities, Brain games etc. I could connect with people specially kids very easily and this helped me in a big way. Kids would find a friend and guide in me and connect with me very easily. This really helped me as a trainer.
- Did you ever plan an alternate career why did you not pursue it? Any regrets?
Well I was a Television News Reader way back. But after kids were born, I always wanted to be a hands-on mother which I was very sure of. But once they grew big enough to take care of themselves, I plunged into this. This is one career which gave me immense satisfaction when I used to see differences in children, their personality, their output, it was overwhelming. I have no regrets whatsoever.
- What are the skills required to do your job?
First and foremost, I would say Patience. Then comes Hard work, Innovativeness, focus and most importantly connection with kids. Every child is different and hence needs to be dealt differently. You need to observe them very closely and have the patience to see the result.
- Challenges in the current profession?
Oh there are lot of them. Actually people are still not quite aware about the concept of Left and Right Brain. It is difficult for them to believe in the power of Right Brain. Activities like Mental Reading, clairvoyance or Telekinesis is something only people with super power can do they never believed that every child can do it if given proper training. Right Brain training can actually improve your cognitive skills and can also increase your mental output.
- Scope/opportunities for people wanting to join the same career?
There is lot of scope specially for young girls, mothers who are physically active and mentally ready to take challenges. They can start off their own, they can join companies who are into Right Brain Training. Use this skill as teachers etc.
- How do you deal with failures at work?
Actually as a Right Brain Trainer one of the things which you teach your children is acceptance of failure as a part of life. Positive thinking in any situation, analyzing the situation and thriving to achieve more and never giving up is the mantra.
- Can you emphasize the importance of math and knowledge of Maths in your profession?
Knowledge of Math is undisputable in any profession. Especially Mental Maths. Every individual whether a child or a professional a farmer to fruit vendor to artist to engineers or anybody for that matter uses math knowingly or unknowingly. My profession is no exception. A basic knowledge of maths is a must for any child whatever career he or she may pursue later.
- Message for your readers:
Friends there is no age for learning. Any person can learn many things at any age but if you learn the right thing at the right age the effort is less and the output is more. Believe me every child is intelligent irrespective of how many marks he or she scores their intelligence must be in some other field maybe sports, carpentry, painting, quilling, mountaineering or thousands of such skills and profession…as parents we have to find out that thin line and draw it further.
Mrs.Vindya Ballal-8655029000/9821529000